The AFC Conference, Uzbekistan, October 7-8, 2023
It is an honor to contribute to the first Presidents' and General Secretaries' Conference organized by the AFC Academic Centre of Excellence (ACE) on the theme of Leadership, which will take place on October 7th and 8th, 2023, in Uzbekistan.
The Japanese version of "Master of your Emotions" is now available in digital format
After being a reference for several European National Football Federations, the book has now been customised for the JFA and translated in Japanese with the support of the AFC, also available in English.
To browse the book and order, go to:
E4P is participating to Youth 2.0
E4P is participating to Youth 2.0 and will offer for the very first time a public experience of CREATIVE SILENCE! Clémentine and Mark will facilitate this natural development which had followed The Relational Compass.
Article in Tempo Santé
Press article with Boris Cyrulnik on his book "Sports and Resiliance"…
Article on the Youth Olympic Games in the Swiss paper 24 heures
E4P offers 120 books of “Master of your Emotions” MultiSports version during the event “Seeds of Champions” at the Youth Olympic Game Lausanne 2020. Article in French
A compass to guide young footballers
Article from September 10, 2019
A dozen junior football teams from the canton of Friborg worked this spring on interpersonal relationships and the feeling of emotions. The experiment was followed by two researchers from the University of Geneva.Read the article (in French) on the site of Time: -
A compass to guide your emotions
Article from Tuesday, September 3rd, 2019
It has been four years since the Fribourg Football Association (AFF) collaborates with Education 4 Peace, a non-profit foundation specializing in emotional health. After the program "attitude, we talk about it" launched in 2016 and concerning fair play, the AFF has again cooperated with the foundation to set up its relational compass ...(In French) -
Article in Cooperation Magazine, September 2019
Everything is in the attitude!
"What is this crazy reaction that sometimes seizes the athletes? When they become aggressive, deceitful, unpleasant? We imagine that they can do nothing about the moment. And there is a possibility, a cure for their behavior: to learn to manage their emotions ... "Link to the article (in French) -
The Relational Compass
Since 2016, E4P has been developing and evaluating a new approach to allow relational and listening skills to reach as many sports teachers and children as possible. In collaboration with the Fribourg Football Federation, The Relational Compass (TRC) is now being evaluated over 3 months by the Swiss Center of Affective Sciences of Geneva University, directed by Professor David Sander. Results will be available in summer 2019.
(Article in French)
FFF & URBSFA: 2 E4P partners in the World Cup semi finals
Youth and emotions at the center of training.
Article in the Swiss press Le Temps: In football, the Belgian revolution (plus another article form December 2017)
Articles are in French
Article in the Swiss journal of La Gruyère - Sept. 2016
Mark Milton talks in this article of the foundation’s vision which see’s the managing of emotions as the next step in the evolution of performance and the collaboration with the Fribourg Football Association (AFF) and their project "L'attitude, on en parle :)" which aims to sensitise more than 600 coaches, referees and educators.
Article in French